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The next generation of Instagram notification

Updated: Jul 6, 2020

Ever wanted to see your favorite comment but tired of eyeballing through the notification panel? We all know what revolves around the social media and how good your last uploaded picture is doing but sometimes if your post gets a traffic of 100+ user engagement then it becomes quite tedious to find the right reward.

Where reward means, likes, comments, followers etc.

Here's something from a quantitative survey of 14 Millennials (8 of them being graduate-level students from Georgia Tech and the rest 6 are working in fortune 500 companies)

Pie chart showing the results of this survey- Highest happiness index as per the participants

To bring to a perspective, I tried to attack the 3 basic elements of a social media traction and tried to filter them out in the notification section

But then I tried to build over a modification of this crude idea more on a simpler lines. Here's how this new product looks:

Like the new idea? The key benefits of this new notification panel revamp are:

  1. No more eyeballing for your favorite reward

  2. Standardized and neat layout crisply organized

  3. Unlike the previous option of filter, it got only one trigger touchpoint instead of two.

  4. Faster and more focused user engagement to the right content

The final screens have been rendered and here's how it looks in static:

Not only Instagram but the same idea could be extended to other social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn.

Suggestions and critiques are welcome :)

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